Blogging equals more online visibility.
The foundation of any small business’s online marketing strategy is to getting more enquires and sales through making sure that when people look for your product or service online, they find your business. In this article we will break down the benefits of blogging and why a blog can give your online marketing a big boost.
It helps drive traffic to your site.
You already know how vital a good search engine ranking can be for the success of your business. However, if you’re anything like many business owners, you probably don’t truly understand what it take to rank well, and why you aren’t on page 1 of Google for your targeted search term.
Every time you create and publish a blog post, it’s one more indexed page on your website, which means one more opportunity for you to show up on the search engine results page and drive traffic to your website in organic search.
Builds your brand and company voice.
Images, the tone of copy, and the feel of your website are all important aspects of a good, memorable brand. However, blogging is an oft-forgotten way to develop your brand. Think of it as giving your brand a voice. The style of writing, the sort of images you use, and the layout of your blog are all attributes used to suit your business.
Show your true expertise.
People prefer experts that share their knowledge. Well written content about your industry can be the factor which helps a potential customer choose you over a competitor. Blogging on relevant “hot topics” surrounding an industry or service, you can build up your reputation as a thought leader and expert in your field.

It drives long-term results.
When it comes to blogging, your leads and sales are more likely to come from your older articles. Once a post has been made, the fanfare dies down after a few days. However, it’s not over. Since that post is now ranking, it means for days, weeks, months, and years to come, you can continue to get traffic from the information. While you might not see immediate results, over time, you’ll be able to count on traffic and leads for your business without any additional work.
How to start blogging for your business.
Know you know just some of the benefits your business blog. Are you ready for more traffic, leads, authority, and a better relationship with your audience? Give us a call at 405-235-5363 or Contact Us to find out how.
Check out this HubSpot article How To Start a Successful Blog as it has great information as well.