A Look Inside:
Take a look inside our design process behind one of our latest logos: Sweeties Scratch Kitchen. Sweeties wanted a logo featuring a hand-drawn character mascot with client-specified characteristics. With these in mind, we set off to create something really unique to help them stand out.
Step 1: Quick thumbnail sketches
The first phase of our design process is to come up with as many thumbnail sketches as possible that take into account the characteristics and requests from the client. The idea is to let the ideas come to mind as quickly as possible and to get those ideas onto paper just as quickly. This helps to trigger even more ideas and further development.

Step 2: Refinement of thumbnail drawings
The second phase of our design process takes a few of the stronger ideas from the thumbnail phase, and introduces more detail and further develops characteristics and emotion.

Step 3: Finalization of Character
The third phase is the cleanup and finalization of the drawing. In this example, we can see additional details, such as shading and contrast start to take shape as well. After this phase, we will move the drawing into the computer to finalize the logo.

From the thumbnail drawings to the finished logo, you can see the evolution of an idea as it moves through our offices. We love to work collaboratively as a team and with our clients to create a brand they are truly proud of. Give us a call and let us help you out as well!