Here are the first logistical steps:
1. Discovery
We discuss your project and find out what you are looking for and what your goals are.
2. Estimates
We give you an estimate of the project to approve to proceed with the project in partnership with us.
3. Agreements & Paperwork
We provide written agreements and paperwork for you to sign. This will include our policies. This we will need your billing contact information including an address, email address, and phone number.
4. Deposit Invoice
We will send you an electronic invoice for the deposit for the projects. This can be paid online, or by check.
Once we have your signed paperwork and deposit, your project officially begins and is in our pipeline.
Here is our creative process to design your logo:
5. Further Discovery and Examples
We gather more information about your preferences and get examples of things you like that have relevance to the project. We also identify the target audience and style for best results. Any direct demographical data that you can provide is helpful.
6. Internal Meetings & Sketches
Our team has discussions and makes sketches internally to formulate the 3 best approaches to your logo design.
7. Design Concepts
Our team creates concepts based on the best 3 sketches. Internally we go through rounds of revisions to get to the most professional representations for your logo design. We also judge this against the information we have gathered.
8. Design Concepts Presentation
Hester Designs presents a PDF of the logo concepts. The PDF should be reviewed carefully by the client for at least 3 days.
9. Client Feedback
The client provides detailed feedback on the concepts. Preferably focussed on a single design with noted changes. It’s possible to mix and match colors, fonts, graphics, etc if necessary.
What if you don’t like any of the designs?
We go back to step 5 and start over.
10. Design Revision Round One
Given the feedback from step 9, we will make revisions to the selected concept to present what we hope is the final design to you.
11. Design Revision Round Two
Given the feedback from step 10, if necessary, we will make any additional final tweaks to the logo and present them to you.
12. Final Approval
You submit a formal final approval to us via email. We will then submit a final invoice for payment, while we are finalizing the logo kit files for you.
12. The Logo Kit
Once your final invoice is paid you now own your logo. At this point we release the main logo kit to you. This includes files that you can use and send on to vendors.
The logo kit includes:
– Adobe Illustrator vector file
– PDF file
– EPS file
– JPG image version
– PNG transparent image version
What if I need more logo kits?
Give us a call or email and we can estimate the cost of additional logo kits for special usage.